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Ayyavu Colony
Chennai - 600 029
+91-44-2363 1126
   FORYOUCHILD m_img News m_img Publications Activities m_img Contact  

"Rights Based Approach and Systems Focus, particularly Health and education"

  • FORYOUCHILD is the resource and documentation center in the field of Early Childhood Care and Development. We have organised more than 50 Teacher Training programmes for Anganwadi workers, Play School/ Nursery School Teachers and ECCE experts. FORYOUCHILD has the library where the largest collection of ECCE Resource materials are available. 
  • Researches have been undertaken in the fields of Maternity Entitlements, School Education, Adi Dravidar Children hostel, Comparative study of the status of ICDS Anganwadi and Private Nursery Schools.  
  • Another noteworthy highlight is the public participation in all our campaigns. This was clearly evident in our RTE 25% reservation campaign, Election Advocacy Campaign, Anganwadi Day Celebration and Breast Feeding Campaign. 
  • We have the largest publication on Child Rights (in Tamil language) on all issues. Noteworthy publications are RTE Act, 2009, POSCO Act, 2012, National Food Security Act, 2013, and Child Marriage Prohibition Act, 2006, National Policy for Children, 2013, National Early Childhood Care and Education Policy, 2013, National Mental Health Policy, 2014.  
  • Regular Disaster Management Trainings are conducted . Till date, more than 50 such programmes have been conducted for Anganwadi Workers, Social Work Students, Local Body Members and NGO Representatives. Our publication on Disaster Management is recognised by the Government of Tamil Nadu as one of the resource books for Training Programmes. 
  • Media Cell: FORYOUCHILD monitor seven  tamil dailies regarding Child Rights issues, focusing on ensuring that children's voices are recognised as significant and unique in issues and policies that affect them. The scope aims at bringing expertise on child rights - their development, views, reality of the situations, establish principles of engagement, especially in the context of children's collectives. 
  • FORYOUCHILD engages with the State Governement by ensuring quality Child Care services to vulnerable families, specially focusing on Migrant Labourer's children, Displaced families (Kannagi Nagar, Semmencherri) and pavement dwellers.
    Disaster Management Training           
    Empowering communities with knowledge, skills and support in disaster risk reduction and response is central to any disaster management strategy- as community is always the first responder. Keeping the importance of this in mind, FORYOUCHILD conducted disaster management trainings during the months of December 2014 through March 2015. These training sessions were attended by over 400 Anganwadi workers, Supervisors, MSW students and Panchayat Presidents for the protection  of children in the Anganwadis.
      FORYOUCHILD successfully held these programmes in about seven different locations,  which were graced by experts in  the field.


      Child Care Services             
    Sometimes, the wellbeing of young children might be threatened by individual, parental or family circumstances. It is known as 'vulnerability'. It means that something about the child is creating a risk of poor physical or mental health. One of the activities of FORYOUCHILD is strengthening child care services for vulnerable families.          
                      In this area FORYOUCHILD donates play materials, educational materials, toys, mats and drawing notebooks and crayons to the Anganwadis and Creches. During the year 2014-15, they donated these resources worth Rs. 26,500/- to various beneficiaries and gave away prizes worth Rs. 1,000/- to students at a talent competition held on the occasion of Children's Day.
      Capacity Building            
    Supervisors of ICDS are the Middle Level functionaries providing the link between CDPOs and other grass root level workers. Training of ICDS functionaries is regarded as one of the vital components of the ICDS programmes and is acknowledged as the key factor in successful implementation of the programme.
      Thus extensive programmes of training for all categories of functionaries of ICDS are being organised right from launching of the Scheme. About 150 participants attended the ICDS Middle Level Training programme at the Indian Council for Child Welfare. 
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     Adoloscent Action Research Elan Thalir Project            
     Empowering adolescent girl is vital to sustainable development and the realisation of human rights; through this action research adolescents will educate and empower. During the month of October, after conducting a feasibility project, the team of  FORYOUCHILD met with the District Collector of Thiruvallur, District Social Welfare Officer, District Project Officer ICDS, District Child Protection Officer.
      With their help, a training programme for the empowerment of adolescent girls was held in Januray 2015 at Kollanur Village Panchayat which was attended by 40 young women. Self esteem, hygiene and personal health care, along with the issue of child marriage were discussed.
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     Multiple Births Project            
Multiple births occur when more than one fetus is carried to full term in a single pregnancy. This causes additional responsibilities and consequent difficulties depending upon the condition for delivery, number of babies and the family support system. As on date, there are no support services available for economically disadvantaged mothers.
        FORYOUCHILD has set up a precedent by way of small financial support to mothers with multiple births through Anganwadi workers. FORYOUCHILD provides financial support to the families who have multiple births in installments, the first being Rs. 1,000/- immediately after delivery and Rs. 500/- is thereafter given every month for five months. In the year 2014-15, FORYOUCHILD donated an aggregate of Rs. 8000/- to three identified families.
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World Breast Feeding Week
         Between 1-7 August 2014, World Breastfeeding Week was celebrated with WBW theme 'BREASTFEEDING: A Winning Goal - for Life!' highlighting the achievement of the Millenium Development Goals (especially MDGs 4 and 5) which requires more easy, exclusive and continued breastfeeding. As part of World Breastfeeding Week, FORYOUCHILD organised WBW celebrations in different parts of Tamil Nadu. FORYOUCHID published 1,000 copies in Tamil WBW 2014 theme brochures.

     On 7th August, 2014 FORYOUCHILD organised WBW celebrations and demonstrated breastfeeding practices in Chennai and Vellore, on 9th August at ICDS Arakonam Block and on 21st August in Sholingur Block ICDS Pandiyanallur Anganwadi Centre where 47 lactating mothers, pregnant mothers and Anganwadi workers participated.  
Positive Discipline Training
Positive Discipline (or PD) is a discipline model used by schools. It focuses on the positive points of behaviour, based on the idea that there are no bad children, just good and bad behaiors. It reinforces the good behaviours while discouraging the bad behaviours without hurting the child verbally or physically. People engaged in positive discipline are not ignoring the problems.
      In Sri Suddhavaidya Higher Secondary School, Mint Street, a half day training was organised for school teachers with the support of DBRCC Hindu College, Social Work Students on 24th February 2015. The importance of Positive Discipline and techniques of positive discipline were highlighted in the training programme.
International Women's Day Programme
All around the world, International Women's Day represents an opportunity to celebrate the achivements of women. 'Greater Equality- Make It Happen' is the theme for the 2015 International Women's Day.
      FORYOUCHILD organised the International Women's Day celebrations on 7th March, 2015. Fifteen Anganwadi helpers were felicited and given cash awards of Rs. 200/- each and a shawl for their outstanding work.
Media Interface
  • Live programme from 1.00 to 1.30 pm on 'Ending Violence against Children' in AIR on 19th December, 2014
  • 8th January, 2015 - TV Channel Pudiya Thalaimurai - Title: Escape from Government Observatiom homes - reasons. Participants were Mrs. B. Valarmathi, Hon'ble Minister for Social Welfare, Mr. Alagappan, former Field Officer, Mr. Then Pandiyan and    Dr. K. Shanmugavelayutham, Managing Trustee of FORYOUCHILD.
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